La Tamise        Derain

La Tamise Derain

Today I am loving the amazing colours of Andre Derain.

Derain  Bateaux a Collioure

Derain Bateaux a Collioure

Along with his mate Matisse he founded The Fauvist movement – after spending a summer together experimenting with their new style they exhibited their work to much critiscm.

Derain        L'Estaque

Derain L’Estaque

The dramatic colours caused the critic Louis Vauxcelles to ridicule their work as les Fauves, or “the wild beasts”, marking the start of the Fauvist movement. Art history lesson 101 for today 🙂

Derain   Trois  Arbres

Derain Trois Arbres

Well Mr Vauxcelles it’s those crazy colour combo’s that I find so inspiring, so there!

Derain  L'Estaque

Derain L’Estaque

PS Note to self, why aren’t you being a wild beast and painting those woods across the road?